Kagan Cooperative Strategies

Kagan cooperative strategies offers a powerful alternative for language teaching- interaction. These are instructional strategies designed to promote cooperation and communication in the classroom, boost students' confidence and retain their interest in classroom interaction.I have used some Kagan Cooperative Strategies for 5th to 9th std students  in the school.

Kagan strategies that I have used in classrooms are as follows:

1) Fill in the blanks

This kagan cooperative strategy was conducted for the students of class VII. This strategy can be used during development or during evaluation..
In this activity teacher writes an incomplete word from a certain topic. The name of topic is written below the incomplete word. The student has to fill the blanks to identify the correct answer. Each team gets only 3 chances to fill the blanks.

2) Draw It

This activity was conducted for the students of class VIIIth. This strategy can be used during evaluation of students on taught topic.
In this strategy teacher tells any one word in context to their syllabus to the one student of the group and that student has to draw picture regarding the same and the group has to identify it

3)Who Am I?

This activity was conducted for the students of class VII .This strategy can be used at the start of the lesson or during evaluation.
In this structure teacher prepares a number of cards mentioning the number of letters the answer contains along with three clues on each card .
The teacher divides class into teams and asks any one student to come forward and pick up one card.
The student who picked the card then has to read the number of letters the answer has along with the first given hint. If his team is able to answer with the first hint they get 5 points.
If the team is unable to answer with first hint then the student has to give second hint. So thus if team answers with second hint then they get 3 points and if with third hint they get 1 point.

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